Thursday, November 5, 2009

Law of Attraction for Teens

Last February, happily ever after started. For me, that is. My dream came true. The love of my life asked me to live with him and my heart sang! For Ethan and Owen however, not so much...
For the Boys, it felt like the bottom was falling out of their lives. Their friends! Every thing they had known for the past 7 years was about to fall away.

We had spent quality time day dreaming and visualizing about all the possibilities of a bigger city. Both Boys are amazing musicians. Owen took to the drums like a fish to water with only one lessen. Ethan spends all his time playing bass and guitar, playing by ear his favorite songs, They are talented. The small town we lived in was limiting and frankly frustrating for them as they have always seen themselves going all the way.

I have always had a dream board in progress. A place for photos or words to resemble the things we, I wanted to create in our life. " Freedom", Abundance", "Love", "Happiness", a photo of a couple holding hands...
For the Boys, a photo of a stage, pictures of the guitars the want...

So the opportunity to arose, the door opened for them, for us. We moved the place where it could all happen.
And they freaked... Both Boys had to go to new schools, apart because Owen was still in Jr High and Ethan in High School as a freshman, Freshman year is hard enough with being the new kid...
Depression set in as they missed out old life. Day and weeks went by and still Ethan had no friends. Owen did but it was still hard. The temptation was great to give up, to move to the even smaller town where their Father lived where the grass seemed greener. To run away from the hard stuff.
It took everything I had, as, This was my nightmare. With tears flowing and a breaking heart, we worked it out... We looed at it from all angles, the pro and the cons. W talked about feelings and what was really making them sad. Soon it began to make sense to them... That to Run, and not conquer their fears and give up was not an option, not for my boys!

So I got out the dream board materials. We made "The list" A list like the one I had made with the qualities I wanted in a partner. On my list was things like, " Romantic", "Fun" "Honest", "Loves My Dog!" Dave is all that and more~

So, "The List" for the Boys would be specific to the qualities they wanted in the new friends they would attract.

Instant connection
I can be myself
loves music
"Clean", meaning does not use drugs!
And we spent time visualizing what some good times would feel like. Every night before falling asleep, they would think about that until they could feel it and then drift off.
Soon, it began to happen. The friends started showing up. Good kids, with great values and the laughter returned.

Now, as I write this they are enjoying band practice again in the garage. They with their friend, Will are jamming like they used to in our old life only so much better, so much more.

I can see the joy in their eyes as they see their own power, Their own magic to create a life of their choosing. A life with no limits!

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